She has a degree in Sociology (2016) and a Master’s in Research Models and Areas in Social Sciences (2017) from the University of the Basque Country. She is currently a PhD student in the Department of Sociology II at the University of the Basque Country. Her main lines of work are related to the Sustainability of Life; mostly working on lines of work from the perspective of ecofeminism and the decolonial perspective. And she is researching collective socioecological indicators of sustainability. Member of Ekopol since 2020.
Web orriaren argitalpenak
Who has the highest energy footprint?
Current Western lifestyles are based on a continuous consumption of [...]
Energy transition: who should make the effort?
Gorka Bueno […]
Course on Climate Crisis and the Rise of Authoritarian Populist Movements in Europe
BC3 and UPV have jointly organized a summer course to [...]
I Klimagune: The fight against climate change: are we complying with the Paris Agreement roadmap?
Mesa Redonda EHUgune: I Klimagune: La lucha contra el cambio [...]
EHUkhi proiektuaren aurkezpena eta eztabaida
EHUkhi proiektuak hainbat diziplinatako irakasleak, ikasleak eta gizarte-erakundeak biltzen ditu, [...]
SOLASTALGIA Topaketak: Kultura, Kritika eta Lurraldea.
Glenn Albrecht filosofoak sortutako hitza da solastagia, gure inguruko [...]