Authors: Iñaki Bárcena Hinojal, Marta Barba Gassó, Miren Guilló Arakistain, Julen Zabalo Bilbao,  Marta Luxán Serrano
Edorta Arana Arrieta.

The Solidary project, which has been investigating during the last four years the different popular movements of Basque Country, has made public its conclusions in this book: Euskal Herriko gizarte-mugimenduak pandemia garaian.  In it, together with the feminist, anti-racist or basqueophile movement, they inform us about the influence and dynamics of environmentalism, among other topics.

You can download the book in this link:,%20egokitzapenak%20eta%20eszenatoki%20berriak


Photo: Javier Colmenerok (Noticias de Gipuzkoa)

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