FOROA: Busturialdea-Urdaibaiko Iraunkortasun Indizea Gallery FOROA: Busturialdea-Urdaibaiko Iraunkortasun Indizea Culture, ekopol, Environment, Iñaki Barcena, Meetings, Nerea Zuluaga Mauri, Politics FOROA: Busturialdea-Urdaibaiko Iraunkortasun Indizea Nerea2024-11-07T20:50:46+01:007/11/2024|Culture, ekopol, Environment, Iñaki Barcena, Meetings, Nerea Zuluaga Mauri, Politics|
Nazioarteko topaketa: TRANTSIZIO EKOSOZIALA EZTABAIDAN. Latinoamerikaren eta Euskal Herriaren arteko elkarrizketak Gallery Nazioarteko topaketa: TRANTSIZIO EKOSOZIALA EZTABAIDAN. Latinoamerikaren eta Euskal Herriaren arteko elkarrizketak Culture, Economy, ekopol, Energy, Environment, Iñaki Barcena, Meetings, Politics Nazioarteko topaketa: TRANTSIZIO EKOSOZIALA EZTABAIDAN. Latinoamerikaren eta Euskal Herriaren arteko elkarrizketak Nerea2024-11-07T20:29:40+01:007/11/2024|Culture, Economy, ekopol, Energy, Environment, Iñaki Barcena, Meetings, Politics|
Solasaldia: Larrialdi klimatikoa: nola heldu unibertsitate-gizarte arteko harremanetik? Gallery Solasaldia: Larrialdi klimatikoa: nola heldu unibertsitate-gizarte arteko harremanetik? ekopol, Environment, Meetings, Oihane García Solasaldia: Larrialdi klimatikoa: nola heldu unibertsitate-gizarte arteko harremanetik? Nerea2024-10-25T13:37:44+02:0025/10/2024|ekopol, Environment, Meetings, Oihane García|
I Klimagune: The fight against climate change: are we complying with the Paris Agreement roadmap? Gallery I Klimagune: The fight against climate change: are we complying with the Paris Agreement roadmap? David Hoyos, Environment, Iñaki Barcena, Meetings I Klimagune: The fight against climate change: are we complying with the Paris Agreement roadmap? Nerea2024-06-04T14:29:19+02:004/06/2024|David Hoyos, Environment, Iñaki Barcena, Meetings|
Do you want to calculate the environmental footprint of an activity? Gallery Do you want to calculate the environmental footprint of an activity? Eneko Garmendia, Energy, Environment, Gorka Bueno, Iker Etxano, Itziar Barinaga, Ortzi Akizu, Research projects, Waste Do you want to calculate the environmental footprint of an activity? Gorka Bueno2024-02-01T09:48:58+01:001/02/2024|Eneko Garmendia, Energy, Environment, Gorka Bueno, Iker Etxano, Itziar Barinaga, Ortzi Akizu, Research projects, Waste|
International Conference on Socio-Enviromental Footprints Gallery International Conference on Socio-Enviromental Footprints Activities, Economy, ekopol, Energy, Environment, Meetings, Waste International Conference on Socio-Enviromental Footprints Nerea2024-01-08T19:41:10+01:008/01/2024|Activities, Economy, ekopol, Energy, Environment, Meetings, Waste|
Mahaingurua: Krisi eta trantsizio ekosoziala Nerea2023-10-30T10:42:41+01:0030/10/2023|ekopol, Environment, Meetings, Nerea Zuluaga Mauri, Politics|
Article: Is high-speed rail a sustainable mobility option? A life-cycle assessment of the Basque Y project in Spain Gallery Article: Is high-speed rail a sustainable mobility option? A life-cycle assessment of the Basque Y project in Spain Andoni Kortazar, Articles and Reports, David Hoyos, Energy, Environment, Gorka Bueno, Mobility Article: Is high-speed rail a sustainable mobility option? A life-cycle assessment of the Basque Y project in Spain Nerea2023-09-13T13:09:55+02:0013/09/2023|Andoni Kortazar, Articles and Reports, David Hoyos, Energy, Environment, Gorka Bueno, Mobility|
Article: Diverse values of nature for sustainability Gallery Article: Diverse values of nature for sustainability Articles and Reports, Authors, Culture, ekopol, Environment, Politics Article: Diverse values of nature for sustainability Nerea2023-08-20T11:52:14+02:0020/08/2023|Articles and Reports, Authors, Culture, ekopol, Environment, Politics|
Video-summaries of the round tables on renewable energies Gallery Video-summaries of the round tables on renewable energies ekopol, Energy, Environment, Meetings, Politics Video-summaries of the round tables on renewable energies Nerea2023-05-16T16:49:52+02:0016/05/2023|ekopol, Energy, Environment, Meetings, Politics|