As if we were ants. Collapse is not inevitable in complex societies Gallery As if we were ants. Collapse is not inevitable in complex societies Articles and Reports, Economy, Energy, Environment, Gorka Bueno, Politics, Waste As if we were ants. Collapse is not inevitable in complex societies Gorka Bueno2024-12-02T12:50:36+01:002/12/2024|Articles and Reports, Economy, Energy, Environment, Gorka Bueno, Politics, Waste|
Energy transition: who should make the effort? Gallery Energy transition: who should make the effort? Articles and Reports, Economy, Energy, Gorka Bueno Energy transition: who should make the effort? Gorka Bueno2024-07-12T14:33:54+02:0012/07/2024|Articles and Reports, Economy, Energy, Gorka Bueno|
Do you want to calculate the environmental footprint of an activity? Gallery Do you want to calculate the environmental footprint of an activity? Eneko Garmendia, Energy, Environment, Gorka Bueno, Iker Etxano, Itziar Barinaga, Ortzi Akizu, Research projects, Waste Do you want to calculate the environmental footprint of an activity? Gorka Bueno2024-02-01T09:48:58+01:001/02/2024|Eneko Garmendia, Energy, Environment, Gorka Bueno, Iker Etxano, Itziar Barinaga, Ortzi Akizu, Research projects, Waste|
The waste incineration plant in Zubieta has not been classified as an energy recovery facility Gallery The waste incineration plant in Zubieta has not been classified as an energy recovery facility Articles and Reports, Energy, Environment, Gorka Bueno, Waste The waste incineration plant in Zubieta has not been classified as an energy recovery facility Gorka Bueno2023-04-26T17:55:50+02:0026/04/2023|Articles and Reports, Energy, Environment, Gorka Bueno, Waste|
Analysis of the records of continuous measurements of atmospheric emissions at the Zubieta incineration plant in 2020 and 2021 Gallery Analysis of the records of continuous measurements of atmospheric emissions at the Zubieta incineration plant in 2020 and 2021 Articles and Reports, Gorka Bueno, Waste Analysis of the records of continuous measurements of atmospheric emissions at the Zubieta incineration plant in 2020 and 2021 Gorka Bueno2023-02-14T14:10:31+01:0013/02/2023|Articles and Reports, Gorka Bueno, Waste|
Future demand for the Basque Y: updated data Gallery Future demand for the Basque Y: updated data Andoni Kortazar, Articles and Reports, David Hoyos, Economy, Gorka Bueno, Mobility Future demand for the Basque Y: updated data Gorka Bueno2022-12-12T15:50:25+01:007/12/2022|Andoni Kortazar, Articles and Reports, David Hoyos, Economy, Gorka Bueno, Mobility|
UPV/EHU on track to cut its environmental and social footprint Gallery UPV/EHU on track to cut its environmental and social footprint Articles and Reports, Economy, Energy, Environment, Gorka Bueno, Iker Etxano, Itziar Barinaga, Mobility, Ortzi Akizu, Waste UPV/EHU on track to cut its environmental and social footprint Gorka Bueno2022-11-14T09:25:58+01:0014/11/2022|Articles and Reports, Economy, Energy, Environment, Gorka Bueno, Iker Etxano, Itziar Barinaga, Mobility, Ortzi Akizu, Waste|
El contenedor amarillo recicla el 22,1% en Bizkaia Gallery El contenedor amarillo recicla el 22,1% en Bizkaia Articles and Reports, Gorka Bueno, Waste El contenedor amarillo recicla el 22,1% en Bizkaia Gorka Bueno2021-11-10T14:52:21+01:0010/11/2021|Articles and Reports, Gorka Bueno, Waste|
Zabalgarbi 2020: incineración sin valorización respalda cuantiosas primas y una exención sorprendente Gallery Zabalgarbi 2020: incineración sin valorización respalda cuantiosas primas y una exención sorprendente Articles and Reports, Energy, Gorka Bueno, Waste Zabalgarbi 2020: incineración sin valorización respalda cuantiosas primas y una exención sorprendente Gorka Bueno2021-01-04T11:06:36+01:004/01/2021|Articles and Reports, Energy, Gorka Bueno, Waste|
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