As if we were ants. Collapse is not inevitable in complex societies Gallery As if we were ants. Collapse is not inevitable in complex societies Articles and Reports, Economy, Energy, Environment, Gorka Bueno, Politics, Waste As if we were ants. Collapse is not inevitable in complex societies Gorka Bueno2024-12-02T12:50:36+01:002/12/2024|Articles and Reports, Economy, Energy, Environment, Gorka Bueno, Politics, Waste|
Seminario DARE: AMALUR Sistema de Información Ambiental Gallery Seminario DARE: AMALUR Sistema de Información Ambiental ekopol, Environment, Gorka Bueno, Iker Etxano, Research projects Seminario DARE: AMALUR Sistema de Información Ambiental Nerea2024-11-21T11:43:46+01:0021/11/2024|ekopol, Environment, Gorka Bueno, Iker Etxano, Research projects|
I. FOROA: Busturialdea-Urdaibaiko Iraunkortasun Indizea Gallery I. FOROA: Busturialdea-Urdaibaiko Iraunkortasun Indizea Culture, ekopol, Environment, Iñaki Barcena, Meetings, Nerea Zuluaga Mauri, Politics I. FOROA: Busturialdea-Urdaibaiko Iraunkortasun Indizea Nerea2025-02-03T14:14:09+01:007/11/2024|Culture, ekopol, Environment, Iñaki Barcena, Meetings, Nerea Zuluaga Mauri, Politics|
Nazioarteko topaketa: TRANTSIZIO EKOSOZIALA EZTABAIDAN. Latinoamerikaren eta Euskal Herriaren arteko elkarrizketak Gallery Nazioarteko topaketa: TRANTSIZIO EKOSOZIALA EZTABAIDAN. Latinoamerikaren eta Euskal Herriaren arteko elkarrizketak Culture, Economy, ekopol, Energy, Environment, Iñaki Barcena, Meetings, Politics Nazioarteko topaketa: TRANTSIZIO EKOSOZIALA EZTABAIDAN. Latinoamerikaren eta Euskal Herriaren arteko elkarrizketak Nerea2024-11-07T20:29:40+01:007/11/2024|Culture, Economy, ekopol, Energy, Environment, Iñaki Barcena, Meetings, Politics|
Solasaldia: Larrialdi klimatikoa: nola heldu unibertsitate-gizarte arteko harremanetik? Gallery Solasaldia: Larrialdi klimatikoa: nola heldu unibertsitate-gizarte arteko harremanetik? ekopol, Environment, Meetings, Oihane García Solasaldia: Larrialdi klimatikoa: nola heldu unibertsitate-gizarte arteko harremanetik? Nerea2024-10-25T13:37:44+02:0025/10/2024|ekopol, Environment, Meetings, Oihane García|
Who has the highest energy footprint? Gallery Who has the highest energy footprint? Articles and Reports, Energy, Estitxu Villamor Who has the highest energy footprint? Estitxu Villamor2024-07-24T09:39:10+02:0024/07/2024|Articles and Reports, Energy, Estitxu Villamor|
Energy transition: who should make the effort? Gallery Energy transition: who should make the effort? Articles and Reports, Economy, Energy, Gorka Bueno Energy transition: who should make the effort? Gorka Bueno2024-07-12T14:33:54+02:0012/07/2024|Articles and Reports, Economy, Energy, Gorka Bueno|
Course on Climate Crisis and the Rise of Authoritarian Populist Movements in Europe Gallery Course on Climate Crisis and the Rise of Authoritarian Populist Movements in Europe Courses, ekopol, Iñaki Barcena, Politics Course on Climate Crisis and the Rise of Authoritarian Populist Movements in Europe Nerea2024-06-20T19:00:53+02:0020/06/2024|Courses, ekopol, Iñaki Barcena, Politics|
I Klimagune: The fight against climate change: are we complying with the Paris Agreement roadmap? Gallery I Klimagune: The fight against climate change: are we complying with the Paris Agreement roadmap? David Hoyos, Environment, Iñaki Barcena, Meetings I Klimagune: The fight against climate change: are we complying with the Paris Agreement roadmap? Nerea2024-06-04T14:29:19+02:004/06/2024|David Hoyos, Environment, Iñaki Barcena, Meetings|
EHUkhi proiektuaren aurkezpena eta eztabaida Gallery EHUkhi proiektuaren aurkezpena eta eztabaida Álvaro Campos, ekopol, Energy, Estitxu Villamor, Meetings, Politics, Rosa Lago Aurrekoetxea EHUkhi proiektuaren aurkezpena eta eztabaida Nerea2024-04-23T09:38:57+02:0023/04/2024|Álvaro Campos, ekopol, Energy, Estitxu Villamor, Meetings, Politics, Rosa Lago Aurrekoetxea|