Who has the highest energy footprint? Gallery Who has the highest energy footprint? Articles and Reports, Energy, Estitxu Villamor Who has the highest energy footprint? Estitxu Villamor2024-07-24T09:39:10+02:0024/07/2024|Articles and Reports, Energy, Estitxu Villamor|
EHUkhi proiektuaren aurkezpena eta eztabaida Gallery EHUkhi proiektuaren aurkezpena eta eztabaida Álvaro Campos, ekopol, Energy, Estitxu Villamor, Meetings, Politics, Rosa Lago Aurrekoetxea EHUkhi proiektuaren aurkezpena eta eztabaida Nerea2024-04-23T09:38:57+02:0023/04/2024|Álvaro Campos, ekopol, Energy, Estitxu Villamor, Meetings, Politics, Rosa Lago Aurrekoetxea|
DEBOLUZIOA: Energia berriztagarriak: Gatazka ala irtenbidea? Bost adostasun eta hamaika desberdintasun Gallery DEBOLUZIOA: Energia berriztagarriak: Gatazka ala irtenbidea? Bost adostasun eta hamaika desberdintasun ekopol, Eneko Garmendia, Energy, Estitxu Villamor, Iñaki Barcena, Josu Larrinaga, Leire Urkidi, Meetings, Nerea Zuluaga Mauri, Oihane García, Politics DEBOLUZIOA: Energia berriztagarriak: Gatazka ala irtenbidea? Bost adostasun eta hamaika desberdintasun Nerea2023-07-13T19:17:02+02:0013/07/2023|ekopol, Eneko Garmendia, Energy, Estitxu Villamor, Iñaki Barcena, Josu Larrinaga, Leire Urkidi, Meetings, Nerea Zuluaga Mauri, Oihane García, Politics|
UPV/EHUn Trantsizio Energetikoko politikak diseinatzen lagunduz Gallery UPV/EHUn Trantsizio Energetikoko politikak diseinatzen lagunduz Álvaro Campos, ekopol, Energy, Estitxu Villamor, Meetings, Politics, Rosa Lago Aurrekoetxea UPV/EHUn Trantsizio Energetikoko politikak diseinatzen lagunduz Nerea2023-02-06T12:59:41+01:002/02/2023|Álvaro Campos, ekopol, Energy, Estitxu Villamor, Meetings, Politics, Rosa Lago Aurrekoetxea|
Kontsumo ohiturak aldatuz egingo da trantsizioa Gallery Kontsumo ohiturak aldatuz egingo da trantsizioa ekopol, Energy, Estitxu Villamor, Ortzi Akizu, Research projects Kontsumo ohiturak aldatuz egingo da trantsizioa Nerea2022-12-12T12:00:07+01:0012/12/2022|ekopol, Energy, Estitxu Villamor, Ortzi Akizu, Research projects|
¿Which factors influence energy footprint? Calculation of the energy footprint of the Basque Country and the neighborhood of Errekaleor. Gallery ¿Which factors influence energy footprint? Calculation of the energy footprint of the Basque Country and the neighborhood of Errekaleor. Activities, Articles and Reports, Authors, Energy, Estitxu Villamor, Gorka Bueno, Ortzi Akizu, Subjects ¿Which factors influence energy footprint? Calculation of the energy footprint of the Basque Country and the neighborhood of Errekaleor. Estitxu Villamor2022-09-12T11:49:55+02:0012/09/2022|Activities, Articles and Reports, Authors, Energy, Estitxu Villamor, Gorka Bueno, Ortzi Akizu, Subjects|
Bases for building a methodology for calculating rooftop solar photovoltaic potential and its contribution to the formation of energy communities Gallery Bases for building a methodology for calculating rooftop solar photovoltaic potential and its contribution to the formation of energy communities Álvaro Campos, Articles and Reports, Energy, Estitxu Villamor, Rosa Lago Aurrekoetxea, Uncategorized Bases for building a methodology for calculating rooftop solar photovoltaic potential and its contribution to the formation of energy communities Rosa Lago Aurrekoetxea2022-07-06T12:33:03+02:005/07/2022|Álvaro Campos, Articles and Reports, Energy, Estitxu Villamor, Rosa Lago Aurrekoetxea, Uncategorized|
Hidrogeno berdea Gallery Hidrogeno berdea Authors, Energy, Estitxu Villamor, Subjects Hidrogeno berdea Estitxu Villamor2022-03-14T11:22:02+01:0014/03/2022|Authors, Energy, Estitxu Villamor, Subjects|
Urban Energy Transitions in Europe, towards Low-Socio-Environmental Impact Cities Gallery Urban Energy Transitions in Europe, towards Low-Socio-Environmental Impact Cities Álvaro Campos, Articles and Reports, Authors, Energy, Environment, Estitxu Villamor, Iñaki Barcena, Izaro Basurko, Olatz Azurza, Ortzi Akizu, Politics, Territorial planning Urban Energy Transitions in Europe, towards Low-Socio-Environmental Impact Cities Izaro Basurko2021-12-15T11:40:00+01:0025/10/2021|Álvaro Campos, Articles and Reports, Authors, Energy, Environment, Estitxu Villamor, Iñaki Barcena, Izaro Basurko, Olatz Azurza, Ortzi Akizu, Politics, Territorial planning|
Hidrogeno berdea: alde ala kontra? Gallery Hidrogeno berdea: alde ala kontra? Authors, Energy, Estitxu Villamor, Subjects Hidrogeno berdea: alde ala kontra? Estitxu Villamor2021-04-14T19:03:39+02:0014/04/2021|Authors, Energy, Estitxu Villamor, Subjects|