Solasaldia: Larrialdi klimatikoa: nola heldu unibertsitate-gizarte arteko harremanetik? Gallery Solasaldia: Larrialdi klimatikoa: nola heldu unibertsitate-gizarte arteko harremanetik? ekopol, Environment, Meetings, Oihane García Solasaldia: Larrialdi klimatikoa: nola heldu unibertsitate-gizarte arteko harremanetik? Nerea2024-10-25T13:37:44+02:0025/10/2024|ekopol, Environment, Meetings, Oihane García|
DEBOLUZIOA: Energia berriztagarriak: Gatazka ala irtenbidea? Bost adostasun eta hamaika desberdintasun Gallery DEBOLUZIOA: Energia berriztagarriak: Gatazka ala irtenbidea? Bost adostasun eta hamaika desberdintasun ekopol, Eneko Garmendia, Energy, Estitxu Villamor, Iñaki Barcena, Josu Larrinaga, Leire Urkidi, Meetings, Nerea Zuluaga Mauri, Oihane García, Politics DEBOLUZIOA: Energia berriztagarriak: Gatazka ala irtenbidea? Bost adostasun eta hamaika desberdintasun Nerea2023-07-13T19:17:02+02:0013/07/2023|ekopol, Eneko Garmendia, Energy, Estitxu Villamor, Iñaki Barcena, Josu Larrinaga, Leire Urkidi, Meetings, Nerea Zuluaga Mauri, Oihane García, Politics|
Ecosocial Transition in the Social Economy: what to do from education? Gallery Ecosocial Transition in the Social Economy: what to do from education? Authors, ekopol, Eneko Garmendia, Meetings, Nerea Zuluaga Mauri, Oihane García Ecosocial Transition in the Social Economy: what to do from education? Nerea2023-07-05T13:43:37+02:005/07/2023|Authors, ekopol, Eneko Garmendia, Meetings, Nerea Zuluaga Mauri, Oihane García|
Popular environmental education and dialogue between knowledges. Keys to progress in ecosocial transitions. Gallery Popular environmental education and dialogue between knowledges. Keys to progress in ecosocial transitions. Environment, Meetings, Oihane García Popular environmental education and dialogue between knowledges. Keys to progress in ecosocial transitions. Nerea2021-06-02T14:39:40+02:001/06/2021|Environment, Meetings, Oihane García|
Environmental popular education in context of crisis. Pedagogical orientations to social and ecological transitions. Gallery Environmental popular education in context of crisis. Pedagogical orientations to social and ecological transitions. Articles and Reports, Culture, Environment, Oihane García Environmental popular education in context of crisis. Pedagogical orientations to social and ecological transitions. Nerea2021-02-16T10:47:16+01:0015/02/2021|Articles and Reports, Culture, Environment, Oihane García|