Nerea Zuluaga Mauri2020-12-10T12:20:45+01:00

Nerea is a graduate of Sociology (2016) and holds a Masters in Research Models and Areas in Social Sciences (2017) from the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). She is currently a doctoral student in the Department of Sociology II at the University of the Basque Country. Her main lines of work are related to the Sustainability of Life,  mainly approaches from ecofeminist and decolonial perspectives.  She also has experience working in alternatives to development. She currently researches Collective Socio-Ecological Indicators of sustainability. She has been a member of Ekopol since 2020.


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Nazioarteko topaketa: TRANTSIZIO EKOSOZIALA EZTABAIDAN. Latinoamerikaren eta Euskal Herriaren arteko elkarrizketak


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