Born in San Sebastian in 1978. Industrial Engineer (2002), Master in Renewable Energy Integration (2012). Lecturer of Electrical Engineering Department at UPV/EHU since 2010 at the Gipuzkoa School of Engineering (Donostia).
Her research is focused on energy transition, energy cooperatives and energy communities and is a member of ekopol since 2019.
Web publications
Colloquium: Renewable Energy: Yes? When? How?
Author: Olatz Azurza On December 14th at 19.00 there will [...]
Energiari ikuspegi sozialetik eusteko jardunaldiak Hernanin
Egilea: Olatz Azurza Energiari ikuspegi sozialetik eusteko jardunaldiak izan ziren [...]
Mantangorriren Energiari buruzko erreportaia
Egilea: Olatz Azurza Berriak gaztetxoentzat argitaratzen duen Mantangorri gehigarrian, Energiari [...]
COURSE. Energy Communities and Social Economy: opportunities and challenges in the Basque Country
The GEZKI Institute and Ekopol Research Group from UPV/EHU have [...]
Tightening ties with UPPA in Baiona
Author: Olatz Azurza -- During the month of January our [...]
Ekonomia Zirkularraren jardunaldiak
Egilea: Olatz Azurza --- Gipuzkoako Ingeniaritza Eskolako Ekonomia Zirkularraren gelak [...]